Friday, March 27, 2009

updating again soon and other news

I hope to start updating again in the next few weeks. Patrick and I have been very busy.

We got moved at the end of January. We aren't quite settled yet, but are getting there. We are replacing all the flooring throughout the house with cork and tile. The bathrooms are in the process of being remodeled. Chasing a toddler and pregnancy really slows you down!!

Patrick is enjoying work. It is a bit stressful with all the happenings at the company, but we are riding it out the best we can.

Milo continues to amaze us daily. He is talking tons and is a very happy laid back child.

I am more than half way through my pregnancy. Shocking how fast it is going by. I found an incredible midwife that has a very natural approach to pregnancy and birth. We go in today for an ultrsound.

Will be back with more details later.