Wednesday, August 12, 2009

enjoying our babymoon

We are enoying the time we are taking to get to know our new family. Going from one to two has felt very natural for Patrick and I. I thought it might be a bigger adjustment, but maybe because we already knew what to expect it has made it easier.

My muscles are still a bit sore from labor and birthing, but overall I am feeling really good. Patrick makes sures I am taking it easy and not overdoing it. He is such an amazing husband and father. I never have to ask him to step up to do something, he just takes care of what needs to be done. I am so glad he will be home for another two weeks.

Harper's personality seems to be very similiar to Patrick and Milo, laid back. He is a very content baby. I am anxious to see how he changes over the coming weeks and months. He loves to look around and see what is going on around him. He is very interested in watching Milo.

Milo has adjusted to Harper really well. I think birthing at home and not having the expectation that he would be jealous helped his transition. I also think choosing to have quiet family time for the first few weeks before visitors has helped things feel less chaotic for him.

The midwife visited on Saturday to check on us. Harper's weight was 8 lbs 13 oz. When she returned on Monday he was at 8lbs 15.5 oz. We will probably do another weight check around two weeks, but he is gaining well at this point. They usually like to see them back up to birth weight by two weeks. Harper is nursing really well, so I think he will be with no problems.

We are enjoying our bonding time as a family, our babymoon. This time is so very special to us.

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