Tuesday, August 17, 2010

goings on

, originally uploaded by * Happy Family *.

Me - I have officially turned my camera from auto to manual. I kept going back and forth, but it is permanently on manual now. I have tons to learn, but am feeling good about that. Editing is really overwhelming, but slowly I am starting to understand stuff. I am taking a two hour online workshop about Photoshop Elements next week at Everyday Elements. It was highly recommended by many at Clickin Moms.

Patrick - He just had a week off. Of course it was not long enough. He is keeping himself busy woodworking. He made a beautiful airplane for Harper recently. He is currently working on a playstand for Milo.

Milo - A total toddler. Some days I seriously think we won't get through the day, but then he goes and does something cute. He has a total mind of his own and is as persnickety as I am about stuff. He has a head full of the most fabulous blonde curls. And no, we are not cutting it.

Harper - Just had his first birthday. How is that even possible? I can't fathom that it has been an entire year since he arrived in this world. He is a total instigator sometimes. He is going to be that kid that climbs on top of the counter when I turn my back. He is into everything. No walking on his own yet, but cruises all around the furniture. He loves to eat all. the. time.

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