Saturday, November 13, 2010

getting ready

How is he going to be THREE tomorrow!? Yeah, I can't believe it either.

This week I have been working on a few craft things to make the day a bit more special. I really like adding fun traditions to special days like birthdays. I have gotten some great ideas from a few of the blogs I read. The Creative Homemaker is a favorite for birthday ideas. We don't do big parties, but I really think the kids enjoy the extra things we do to make their day extra special.

I made a balloon weight and you just add the number of balloons that represents the persons age. Since the party shop is closed tomorrow I took Milo today to pick out his three balloons. They have a million colors to choose from, but he was set on getting three red balloons before we even got into the shop. So red is what we got.

I made this wreath over the summer. I absolutely adore it. I think I ended up using 350 balloons for it! It was super easy to put together.

I make a number shirt & party hat for my kids each year for their birthday. They can wear the shirt the rest of the year and it helps them recognize numbers. When we went to get the shirt Milo was again set on red. I am thinking the child has his first favorite color.

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