Sunday, August 24, 2008

doing our part

...for the environment. Every year we pick a few things that we can change in our daily lives that will benefit the environment and help to keep our planet clean for future generations.

Our newest change is using cloth produce bags instead of the plastic one that you find in the produce section at your grocery store. I found them at .

Some of the changes we have made include using cloth bags for groceries & shopping trips, cloth produce bags, cloth diapers, cloth wipes, cloth sanitary pads (mama cloth - ), cloth napkins, cloth papertowels (unpaper towels), real silverware in packed lunches, reusable bags for snacks and sandwiches ( ), sigg water bottles for outings, eliminated plastic tupperware type containers. We also reuse and recycle what we can.

What are you doing to keep the planet clean?

A few pics of Milo playing with the produce bags we got in the mail yesterday.

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