Friday, August 29, 2008

On my way!

I have very recently started to learn to knit. I am teaching myself from the help of a book (Stitch 'N Bitch) and . I started learning the English method, but last night decided I liked the Continental method better.

I am now working on a scarf. In the next few weeks I hope to start on longies for Milo, my real motivation in learning to knit. Here is my little swatch that I made last night when I was playing around.


Geoduck said...

Very nice. all knit stitches?

Heather said...

yes, all knit stitches. Just a small swatch to practice the continental method.

Auntie Laurie said...

Wow, that's great Heather. Granny would be very proud. I always wanted to learn how to knit. It's never too late for anything.