Thursday, September 11, 2008

lots of books

Our bottom shelf of our bookcase is reserved for childrens books--board books, cloth books, and even paper books *gasp*. Yes, I realize the librarians of the world will need a second to recover with thought that our nearly 10 month old has access to paper books. I am sure we will have a few torn or crumpled pages along the way, but we are teaching him to be gentle with the books.

We read and look at books everyday with Milo. It is part of our day and part of his bedtime routine with daddy. He likes to turn the pages and point to things. One of his favorite books at the moment is Pat the Bunny. It is so cute to see him doing the steps on each page.

Milo will often sit at the bookcase, pull his books from the shelf, and look through the pages. Here are a few pictures from this morning of him doing just that.

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